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Terrible Tattoo Ideas That Look Worse Than You Could Imagine
Tattoos seem to be the next big thing when it comes to fashion. Celebrities, sports stars, and almost every trendy person out there seem to be covered in detailed ink work, personalizing their style and providing them with a unique identity. However, it can be very easy to make a bad (and permanent) decision when it comes to getting a tattoo. For this reason, it is imperative that we think long and hard about what we want done before we go under the needle. If we make rash decisions, we could end up looking like one of these unfortunate people mentioned below.
Below, click NEXT and check out some people who made poor and hilarious tattoo decisions.

A Face Full Of Stars
Face tattoos are never a good idea. If you end up not liking the final result, there is no way in which you can hide it. Unfortunately, this lady didn’t think that far ahead when she went to get her face covered in small stars. To make matters worse, the stars (which you would think should be relatively easy for a tattoo artist to draw) came out terribly, leaving her with a face full of small, black blobs.
[/nextpage][nextpage]A McDonald’s Order To Remember
Have you ever gone to order food at your nearest McDonald’s, received a receipt and thought, ‘this would make a fabulous tattoo’? Yeah… We haven’t either. However, this man had other ideas when he paid to have his McDonald’s order tattooed onto his forearm. Not only does it have absolutely no sentimental meaning whatsoever, but it also looks cheap and tacky. Rather him than us…
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Resemblance Isn’t Quite Right
Marilyn Monroe was known for her natural beauty and talent. In fact, even years after her passing, people still see her as one of the most iconic and legendary faces in Hollywood. This man thought that it would be a good idea to honor her memory by getting a tattoo of her face on his arm. However, I think that it is safe to say that it didn’t turn out quite as planned… In fact, there’s hardly any resemblance.
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle From Hell
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles played a major role in many people’s childhoods. However, it is not a good idea to get cartoon turtles tattooed onto your body. With that being said, you should never get cartoon turtles tattooed onto your face. This man didn’t get the memo when he decided to have Michaelangelo inked permanently on his nose. While it may be creative, it also looks incredibly tacky.
[/nextpage][nextpage]This Man Needs A Reminder About The Past
This man is clearly fascinated with the idea of evolution. While the theory is incredibly interesting, it definitely does not need to be tattooed onto your forearm. We have all seen this image before. It really makes us wonder why he felt the need to have it tattooed onto his body… Maybe he needs something to remind him of the fact that he is human?
[/nextpage][nextpage]There Is One Regret…
Living with no regrets is incredibly difficult to achieve – especially when you have the motto ‘no regerts’ written permanently on your forearm. It has always baffled us how tattoo artists can make spelling errors in their artwork. With that being said, I’m pretty sure that this person is more angry than baffled with their tattoo artist. They definitely have one regret that we can think of…
If you would like to find out about places that you should think twice before traveling to, take a look here.
[/nextpage][nextpage]A Lack Of Planning
Ah, another spelling error. In fact, this one is a combination of poor spelling and, ironically, a lack of planning. We are unsure whether it was the tattoo artist or the customer who failed to realize that the word ‘ahead’ has five letters. Either way, this ink work is a permanent reminder that planning ahead is important for a number of reasons. For example, if you don’t want to end up with a horrible and senseless tattoo, plan ahead.
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Bad Harry Potter Tattoo
This tattoo is sure to remind you of that Professor Quirrell and Voldemort mashup that we saw in Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone. While it may be creative, it definitely doesn’t look too great. In fact, it is safe to say that most people would probably cringe after seeing the back of this man’s head. With that being said, all that matters is whether or not he is happy with it.
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Famous Face Tattoo
We have all seen the infamous Mike Tyson face tattoo. Sure, the ink work had given him a unique identity and made him one of the world’s most well-known boxers. However, we can all confidently say that it isn’t the greatest piece of art out there. To make matters worse, it would be impossible to cover up since it is on his face.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Just For The Sake Of It
This is one of those tattoos that has absolutely no meaning whatsoever. Does the person just love their chair way too much? Or maybe they simply enjoy sitting… To make it worse, the tattoo isn’t even very well done. I’m sure this person will deeply think about their next tattoo before having it permanently marked on their skin.
[/nextpage][nextpage]This Man Is Very Passionate About Fast Food
It’s safe to say that we have all craved a fast-food hamburger once in our lives. However, I’m pretty sure that most people don’t love fast food so much that they would have a permanent tattoo of a burger inked on their body. The paradise island scene doesn’t quite suit the massive cartoonish burger…
[/nextpage][nextpage]When You Love Green Day A Little Too Much
Many people obsess over sports teams, television shows, and celebrities. This guy clearly has a deep and long-lasting love for the band Greenday. While they do have a couple of good songs, it’s definitely not recommended that you get a full-on back tattoo of the three band members. To top it all off, the artistry isn’t even that great….
[/nextpage][nextpage]This Is What You Call A Super Fan
Again, this woman clearly loves Drake a little bit too much. However, her tattoo is a tad bit worse than the bloke with Greenday sprawled across his back. Even if she came to her senses and realized just how awful the inkwork is, there would be absolutely nothing that she could do about it. Face tattoos are never a good idea…
[/nextpage][nextpage]What To Do In Case Of A System Crash
We have all had to deal with technology failures at least once in our lives. This guy obviously has a hard time remembering what to do when his computer crashes. In fact, he has such a hard time that he even got the instructions tattooed permanently on his arm. Well, even though the ink doesn’t look too great, at least it is practical.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Make Sure To Check The Spelling
It is highly recommended that you double-check the spelling of your tattoo before getting it permanently etched into your skin. In fact, check it multiple times in order to avoid issues like this. Imagine paying someone to mess up a simple word like ‘courage’… I definitely wouldn’t go back to that tattoo artist.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Not The Greatest Idea
Getting a tattoo of your playlist isn’t the greatest idea. What if you begin despising a song after it has already been permanently etched into your skin? What if a song reminds you of an old friend or ex that you would like to forget about? This person clearly didn’t get the memo when they tattooed artists like Nickelback and Avril Lavigne onto their arm. Also, spelling the artists’ name correctly would help!
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Political Is Personal
It is always important to remember that tattoos are permanent. Once you have one done, there is no turning back. This guy didn’t seem to understand this principle when he got ‘Jeb4Prez’ tattooed underneath his chin. As a general rule, never get anything political tattooed onto your body.
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Mustache From Hell
Ah, another famed face tattoo. This one is especially hilarious as the ink can be found exactly where his mustache grows (can you even begin to imagine how much it would have hurt?). Do you think that it is a ‘family tradition’ to get a synthetic tattoo instead of growing a real one? Clearly, this guy isn’t a fan of the natural look…
[/nextpage][nextpage]This Woman Is Definitely Not Vegan
Being vegan is the new best thing. This woman clearly didn’t understand this when she got every piece of meat in the book tattooed onto her lower back. If you didn’t quite get the message that she loves meat, the word ‘MEAT’ is also written in bold for your convenience. This inkwork is honestly the tramp stamp from hell…
[/nextpage][nextpage]Um… No Thanks.
Okay, we’ve changed our minds: this is the worst tramp stamp out there. Disregarding the fact that the artistry isn’t too great, these tattoos are incredibly tacky and cheap-looking. What could possibly have possessed this woman to get ‘Eat me’ and ‘Drink me’ etched into her skin? Whatever the reason, I’m sure she’s regretting her decision now.
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Rough Sketch
Some people think that getting a rough sketch as a tattoo is a good idea. This image is evidence as to why these people are wrong. It doesn’t look artsy – in fact, it makes the tattoo look as though it was drawn by a two-year-old. If you plan on having a rough sketch done on your skin, please (for your sake) rethink your decision.
[/nextpage][nextpage]This Has To Be A Joke…
The only thing worse than a face tattoo is a nipple tattoo. We’re pretty confident that this man got the cow tattoo as a joke, but surely that doesn’t stop him from being embarrassed by it. Can you imagine how awful this is going to look when he gets older? Actually, we don’t think it can get much worse than it already is.
[/nextpage][nextpage]A Size Too Small
If you’re going to get an awful tattoo, at least commit fully. It seems as though this person decided halfway through that he actually didn’t want his entire foot covered with a Converse sneaker. With his heel and toes sticking out, this shoe looks a tad bit too small for his foot.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Even The Baby Doesn’t Get This One
Even the newborn baby looks confused as to what her mother was thinking when she got that dreadful face tattoo done. Is it supposed to be a monocle? To us, it simply looks like a badly drawn circle on her face with a few lines sticking out of it. She seems happy enough though, so hats off to her.
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Patriotic Man
This man clearly loves Australia a little bit too much. While there is nothing wrong with being patriotic, it’s not recommended that you get a permanent tattoo of your country on your chest. To make it worse, the ink is incredibly hard to miss and impossible to cover up. However, the cartoon kangaroo is a great touch.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Another Regrettable Nipple Tattoo
What is it about nipple tattoos that make them appealing to some people? You could have something incredibly personal tattooed onto your nipple and everybody would automatically take it as a joke because of where it is. This disabled sign tattoo is definitely one that we would regret if we ever got it done.
[/nextpage][nextpage]It’s Bald Britney
We all remember Britney’s public breakdown where she shaved her entire head and angrily rampaged through the city streets. In fact, there is no way that this guy will ever forget that day after getting a picture of a bald Spears inked into his skin. There may be some deeper meaning to this tattoo, but it certainly isn’t obvious.
[/nextpage][nextpage]A Truly Awful Tramp Stamp
Tramp stamps, face tattoos and nipple tattoos are the worst types of ink that a person can get done. However, if you really want to say that you have one of the worst tattoos of all time, get bicycle handlebars etched onto your lower back.
[/nextpage][nextpage]There’s No Hiding This One
Can you even begin to imagine how painful this must’ve been? Or how painful it is going to be to have it removed? This man has a big fascination with Smurfs, as he paid a tattoo artist to turn him into one. At least he decided to leave the tip of his nose alone…
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Grandma With The Face Tattoo
This old grandma is a prime example of why you should never get a face tattoo. While it may look okay when you are younger, it definitely ages badly. In fact, we can’t even make out what this tattoo consists of. All we know is that less is more when it comes to inking your face.
[/nextpage][nextpage]You Scream, I Scream
If you insist on getting a face tattoo, at least get something cool. Unfortunately for this guy, his idea of ‘cool’ isn’t quite the same as ours (or the general public). Having an ice cream cone tattooed on the face seems like something that a young child would do, not a grown man.
[/nextpage][nextpage]She Could Use Some Perfume…
This is definitely one of the weirdest ones out there. Why would someone want to tattoo an onion on their armpit? She’s basically telling the world that she doesn’t smell too great. To make matters even worse, the onion isn’t very well done. We aren’t quite sure why she looks happy in this picture.
[/nextpage][nextpage]This Man Loves Hotdogs A Bit Too Much
If there is one thing going for this tattoo, it is the color scheme. Other than that, having a hot dog tattooed on your arm is a truly horrendous idea. We could tell that this man has a special place in his heart for this type of food. There is no other explanation as to why he would think that this was a good idea.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Another Great Nipple Tattoo
Ah yes, another fantastic nipple tattoo. This one also happens to be incredibly large, meaning that he will have one hell of a time trying to cover it up. A bright red lobster will always look tacky when etched into your skin, but having it pinching your nipple takes it to a completely different level.
[/nextpage][nextpage]What Happened Towards The End?
This entire tattoo is awful, but it is hard not to notice the washy tail of the mermaid. It seems as though the tattoo artist got tired halfway through and asked his two-year-old daughter to take over. Surely this person didn’t pay to have a badly drawn naked woman etched into their skin forever?
[/nextpage][nextpage]Definitely Not.
White supremacy is always unforgivable. It takes a special type of person to have the swastika tattooed on their arm (and by special, we mean awful). However, we can’t help but be a little confused by this image. Why would a woman of color want a tattoo that reads ‘White Power’?
[/nextpage][nextpage]She Must Really Like Planes
These matching tattoos look like something that a preadolescent boy would want. To make matters worse, they aren’t very well done, take up her entire chest, and look incredibly tacky. We aren’t quite sure what she was thinking when she walked into the tattoo parlor, but surely she is regretting her decision now.
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Ultimate Friendship Tattoo
Most people simply buy their best buddies gifts or bracelets in order to show their appreciation. However, this man took it to the next level when he decided to get their names tattooed on his arm. It would be a rather sweet gesture if the tattoo didn’t look as though it was drawn by a kindergartener.
[/nextpage][nextpage]This Is No Sweet Fairy
This is another one of those crude tattoos that don’t seem to make much sense. Our guess is that the naked woman is supposed to be a fairy, but we could be completely wrong. It’s badly drawn, tacky, and looks incredibly cheap. I wonder how painful it would be to get a tattoo removed?
[/nextpage][nextpage]This Had To Have Been A Dare…
I honestly just don’t understand people sometimes… Why would she possibly think that getting a feces tattoo on her back would be a good idea? To make it all worse, the ink covers her entire back and must be incredibly difficult to cover up. The flies really add to the aesthetic of the entire thing.
[/nextpage][nextpage]How Did The Tattoo Artist Not Notice The Mistake?
Once again, how does a tattoo artist work on a piece for hours and not notice spelling mistakes? This proposal surely didn’t go as planned when Nina read, ‘Will you merry me?’. To top it all off, the ink is written in tacky handwriting and features a very poorly shaded heart.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Pearly Whites
This guy seems to take his tattoo inspiration from the Joker. The only difference is that this tattoo is about ten times the size and takes up his entire chest. To be completely honest, this inkwork is kind of frightening and gives us the creeps. However, if it makes him happy, then who are we to judge?
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Most Redundant Tattoo In The World
I don’t think that this guy is fooling anybody with this Nike tattoo. Can you even begin to imagine how much it must’ve hurt to have this done? We can confidently say that the amount of pain suffered by this man while getting the ink done would not have been worth it.
[/nextpage][nextpage]This Isn’t How You Show Your Love For A Place
This tattoo is both racist and exoticizing – in other words, it is a truly dreadful piece. I think that most people’s reaction to seeing this tattoo would be to cringe. While it is perfectly okay to appreciate a country, there are other ways to go about it. For starters, don’t get a massive tattoo of a racist quote on your back.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Armpit Tattoos Just Aren’t The Way To Go
Armpit tattoos are right up there with face, nipple, and lower back tattoos. We have no words when it comes to this one… What was this guy possibly thinking when he walked into that tattoo parlor? If he doesn’t regret his decision now, I’m sure that his view of it will change as he gets older.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Another Really Bad Face Tattoo
Having your tattoo artist replicate a person’s face is always a risky business. Unfortunately, this guy paid the price when getting his child inked onto his face permanently. While the gesture is incredibly sweet, he should’ve gone for a more discreet location – this way, he would have at least been able to cover it up if it turned out badly.
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Six-pack From Hell
This man decided to get a bad joke tattooed on his stomach. While it might have been funny for the first few days after getting it done, the comedic effect would have worn off after about a week or so. After that, this guy would’ve been left with a bad tattoo and permanent regret.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Maybe This Person Should’ve Stayed In School
Kids – don’t listen to the advice given by this tattoo. Stay in school or you may end up being unable to spell a simple word like ‘school’. Not only is this piece grammatically incorrect, but it is also incredibly badly drawn and tacky. To be honest, it looks as though a kindergartener got hold of a tattoo needle and went crazy on their dad’s leg.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Did A Little Kid Draw This One?
Again, was this tattoo drawn by a young child? In fact, we’ve seen better artwork by little kids. Where do we even start? The lines aren’t straight, there is no symmetry at all, and the shading is awful. We would seriously consider tattoo removal if this were us…
[/nextpage][nextpage]This Man Clearly Doesn’t Think Very Highly Of Himself
Calling yourself stupid takes self-awareness to an entirely different level. This guy went so far as to have the word ‘stupid’ tattooed to his forehead, letting the world know of his opinion of himself. This must be one of the most painful places to have ink done… Again, as long as he’s happy, who are we to judge?
[/nextpage][nextpage]A New Marketing Strategy
This woman deserves the employee of the year award for her dedication to the Golden Palace. In fact, she should be made CEO. Can you imagine being so loyal that you have the website address of your company tattooed on your forehead? Honestly, we don’t understand what she was thinking with this one…
[/nextpage][nextpage]Another Eternal Spelling Mistake
How can a tattoo artist misspell the words ’finally’? To be fair, her ink wouldn’t look too bad if it weren’t for the grammatical error. However, there is nothing worse than having a motivational quote permanently etched into your skin and realizing that it is misspelled – the sentimental meaning of that quote is automatically thrown out of the window.
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Gamer Girl
This is another one of those tattoos that look as though they could have been drawn by a two-year-old. Not only is it badly done (I mean, look at that equal sign), but it also doesn’t make much sense. She should start looking into tattoo removal as soon as possible…
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Dark Ronald McDonald
What is it with people and fast food tattoos? Ronald McDonald is not someone that should be etched into skin permanently. In fact, as we can see in this tattoo, it looks pretty horrifying when a clown is drawn on your back. Do yourself a favor and rethink your decision if you are planning on getting a McDonald’s tattoo.
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Worst Avocado Tattoo Out There
A skull avocado… how original. While it may be creative, it also has absolutely no sentimental meaning whatsoever. In fact, after staring at this image for a few minutes, we still have no idea what we are looking at. To make matters worse, it is badly drawn and the shading is way below par.