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Surprises In This 96-year-old Woman’s House
As you may know, working as a real estate agent can be incredibly exhausting. However, it is also one of the most entertaining jobs out there. How so? Well, the fact that your job mostly consists of entering strangers’ homes means that you can come across unexpected items and surprises. This is what happened to Clara and Gladys Spizzirri, a pair of sisters who work together as real estate agents in the Ontario, Canada, area. Although they had heard rumors about the house that had just been sold, they had to check and see for themselves if those rumors were true.
Click NEXT and find out what surprised them at this Ontario property!

Everything Seemed Normal
It is common for houses that look similar from the outside to look completely different inside. Such was the case with this property located at 148 Jane Street in Toronto, Ontario. If you only walked by, you wouldn’t suspect anything, as this house looks like any other. Additionally, neighbors said that people rarely went inside and that they knew a family of few had been living in it for quite some time before it was finally sold.
[/nextpage][nextpage]A Single Phone Call Makes a Huge Change
Sisters Clara and Gladys have been in the real estate industry for quite some time now, so they weren’t expecting to be surprised. Frankly, when you work as an agent for decades, you think that you have seen it all. However, little did they know that a single phone call with an attractive offer was going to lead them to a property that held many surprises.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Working Single
While they are a successful duo, they didn’t work together right from the start. Both Clara and Gladys had worked as independent real estate agents before they decided it would be even better to join forces. The deal was that one sister gets everything done with the existing clients, while the other one was there to search for and introduce new clients to their business. With this in mind, their phone was always ringing.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Grandma on the Phone
That is when, on a busy day like many others, their phone rang – this time it was a 96-year-old woman on the other end of the line. She was calling to inform the working duo that she was interested in selling her property at 148 Jane Street in Toronto, Ontario. From what Gladys and Clara stated later, she sounded quite unsure and unwilling. This is when they asked the grandmother named Joyce whether there was anything she wanted to tell them about related to the house. She said that it was best that they come and see for themselves before listing the house.
[/nextpage][nextpage]A Mysterious Property
While some real estate agents may have refused such a proposition, both Clara and Gladys were veterans, and such a proposal was something that they were used to. They thought they were prepared for anything that might come their way. Frankly, they didn’t know that visiting Joyce’s house would be unlike any other day at the office.
[/nextpage][nextpage]It Was Clear Something Was Hidden
From their years of experience working in real estate, Gladys and Clara were slightly concerned with the fact that Joyce sounded like she did on the phone. In most cases, people who call to sell their property are quite excited and not as unwilling as she was. Thus, it was quite clear to them that something was wrong or being hidden, which was another reason to go and visit the property before listing it.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Always Expect the Worst
The common saying is that you should expect the worst and hope for the best – that is what Gladys and Clara tried to do when they were called to visit the property. Over the phone, Joyce told the agents that, although she had lived in that house for more than 70 years, she hadn’t performed a lot of updates or installations. This was an immediate red flag, as they didn’t know what might be waiting for them at the property.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Clean or Leaky?
From what the Spizzirri sisters said, when someone calls you sounding so unsure about whether they want to sell the property or not, you expect to find a leaky basement or a dump room. In most cases, people try to hide these things until they sell the property. Although they expected something similar to what they had previously experienced numerous times, this was far off from what happened – the house that Joyce had invited them to had a unique secret.
[/nextpage][nextpage]House Inspection
As the sister agents were getting closer to the house, they were slightly nervous, as they didn’t have a clue as to what they should expect at the property. With their inspection closing in, the fact that Joyce had lived alone for more than 70 years without performing any renovations caused Gladys and Clara to be sure that they wouldn’t be able to sell the house because of the condition that it was in.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Something They Weren’t Prepared For
We said multiple times throughout this article that they didn’t know what to expect and that their only assumptions were that they would encounter a leaky basement and a lot of garbage lying around. With the visit day finally coming, they arrived at 148 Jane Street. Just from a peek at the hallway, they had an idea of what they might be dealing with.
[/nextpage][nextpage]They Felt like Time Travelers
Joyce was 96 years old, and with this in mind, it was expected that the house would be designed in some type of vintage style. Apart from the picture of the property front, Gladys and Clara didn’t have anything to work with before they came into the house. Their only thought was that, if the property was in well-maintained condition, they could at least list at a good price given the location of Joyce’s home.
[/nextpage][nextpage]An Extraordinary Interior
While Gladys and Clara weren’t sure what they would find in that house, it was clear that they could either come across an interior that was unusable or something that was fair and sellable. However, what they were met with was something they couldn’t imagine even in their wildest dreams. The house was extraordinary! They were fascinated with how Joyce was able to maintain it at 96 years old and all alone.
[/nextpage][nextpage]A Gem Like No Other
Frankly, once they reviewed the house, they were incredibly happy. Not only could they sell the house for a lot of money, but they were also able to prove to Joyce that she did a fantastic job. One of the greatest areas in her house was the pink room, which was first arranged back in 1940 and has since then been maintained in a unique style. That room and the purple room were Gladys’s favorites.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Deep Roots
As the sister agents were going further and inspecting every corner of this beautiful house, it became quite clear to them why the 96-year-old woman was so reluctant to sell it. This property was a place where she spent the last 70+ years of her life, and this is something that had a deep meaning for Joyce. Through the conversation, they found that each piece of furniture, even the smallest details that this house was rich with, was thought through.
[/nextpage][nextpage]A Huge Drawback
Personally, the real estate agents were amazed at the interior of this house, and we’re sure that with a good listing, they would be able to set a great price for this property. However, there was one huge drawback – it was all quite feminine. With this, there was a single question raised – would buyers appreciate this decoration style? Redecorating the house would be pointless because it would end up costing them a lot, and the margin for profit would be rather low.
[/nextpage][nextpage]The Uncut Diamond
The saving grace for this home was the basement, which once again amazed Gladys and Clara. Yes, what they found was a man cave that was surely enjoyed by Joyce’s late husband. It was highlighted by neutral furniture, a bar, and wood paneling – a place where any man would have a lot of fun, and most importantly, would be able to relax and break free from anything else. If the basement was so impressive, how was the backyard?
[/nextpage][nextpage]Disappointing Yard
Unfortunately, although impressed by the interior of the house and with high hopes for the backyard, the real estate agents found that it was slightly underwhelming. Apart from the real-grass turf and a small storage area, there wasn’t anything that made this area stand out. Luckily, a garden is something that can be easily renovated and rearranged, which is the main reason why this wasn’t a deal-breaker.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Inspector Findings
From their long career, both Gladys and Clara knew that most houses have several flaws, whether it’s being prone to mold, poor insulation, or something else that could lower the overall value. These types of things can be an issue for a potential buyer. Although both of the sisters thought that Joyce’s house was in spectacular condition, that wasn’t enough. As with any property that will potentially be listed, an inspector has to come and check for what might be off.
[/nextpage][nextpage]No Issues

It was probably quite stressful for both Joyce and the real estate agents. As they waited for the inspectors to come in and check the house, the results were splendid. Frankly, much like they thought, there weren’t any hidden flaws. The inspectors said that the house is near perfect and almost in the same condition as it was back in the 1940s.
[/nextpage][nextpage]The First Listing
As everything was set and ready, Gladys and Clara decided to move on and post the property and hopefully find the right buyer. Unexpectedly, they got a couple of bids on the first day – keep in mind that the initial price was $699,000. It seems like even some people who were not on the market for real estate properties were trying to get a hold of Joyce’s gem.
[/nextpage][nextpage]How Did Joyce Manage It?
Among the most common questions is “how did she manage it?” This was directed to Joyce, as people were impressed that this house was so well maintained while decorated in the style of the 1940s. There were even a lot of complaints regarding the fact that the kitchen area was renovated about 50 years ago.
[/nextpage][nextpage]What Was Joyce’s Plan?
One would ask – if Joyce enjoyed decorating her house so much, why was she leaving it? Well, the answer is simple. She was ready to go to a retirement community and enjoy her last years. No matter how easy this may have seemed for others, for Joyce, it wasn’t a simple decision. We must take into consideration that 148 Jane Street was where she had spent more than 70 years of her life.
[/nextpage][nextpage]A Big Surprise
One of the biggest surprises to the potential buyers was that most of the featured furniture wasn’t included in the sale. With this in mind, those that were initially so attracted by the property lost interest because those pieces are what makes this interior so nostalgic and attention-worthy.
[/nextpage][nextpage]Saying Goodbye
As Joyce finally decided to sell the house, the Spizzirri sisters now have a story that they will always be able to tell. The property at 148 Jane Street is certainly one in a million given how well it was maintained and its decoration style. We are sure that none of the three women involved in this story could have expected that a single phone call would change their lives for good!